현재위치 :   운반구 >> 유압운반구
제 품 명 :  HJ-PT  ( 제품번호 : 216 )

모델   HJ-PT
Capacity (mm) 1000
Overall width (mm) 1580
Width inside front wheels (mm) 1230
fork length (mm) 800
Distance over the forks (mm) 240~680조절가능
Fork width (mm) 100
The lowest height of the forks (mm) 80
Lift height (mm) 150미만
Dia. of Front load wheel (mm) 437
Width of the tread on the streeing wheel (mm) 130
Dia. of steering wheel (mm) 270
Width of the tread on the steering wheel (mm) 97
Overall Length-전체 (mm) 1200
Overall Length-포크부 (mm) 1280
The height To The Bulk head (mm) 550
Truck weight (kg) 160